So stressed out now!


I live in a apartment and we got new management. I'm getting induced Saturday night and have all baby's stuff set up in his room. Management is going to have pest control come out Friday and Saturday to bomb for roaches ( we don't have any but other parts of our complex does) now I have to remove all food from my house and all of my son's stuff has to be removed. Bad thing is they gave us notice today so I have very little time to get everything taken care of before I go to hospital this weekend. I have a birthday party Saturday then going to hospital right after. I won't be able to get his room together until im released from the hospital then I have to come home and clean everything before I bring him home. I'm so stressed out now. Our apartment will be one of the last done on Saturday ( ours is always last). I have to be at hospital at 6 pm and they will be out between 3-5pm Saturday to do ours. I have one stressful week already. Now I don't know what to do with all of baby's stuff so he don't get sick from the chemicals when I bring him home.