Hats off to parents with child with difficulties!


I just thought my first born was active. A bit hard to handle but VERY smart. His preschool teacher told us, he seemed a bit more. Turns out he is hyposensitive. He needs more to feel and his brain tells him MOVE! Even though he is smart it will start to effect his learning. He starts therapy tomorrow.

Yesterday he got removed from a “theater” camp because he was too active. Because my 3 year old cant sit and paint scenery or learn lines.

My son’s difficulties are minor. I can’t imagine the struggle others are faced with. My son runs and was deemed “unsafe”. You are warriors. You are super human. You are beasts. You are the strongest people imaginable. Hats off to you women and men fighting day in and day out to make it work. Constantly avoiding certain stimuli. Worrying about interactions with other kids. You are amazing!