Advice please?!

Trying to conceive for a couple of years.. It becomes a bit addictive <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and cycles. Holding your breath if your period is "late" but getting negatives and then your period arriving right after taking a test 🙈😩

I always have cramps and bloating up to 7 days before my period is due and then it usually comes on fairly heavy. I have had some cramping and bloating since the weekend; My period was due today and I had cramps yesterday but nothing since. Only had a very light pinky tinge of blood on the tissue when wiping this morning. Nothing since which is very unusual for me.

I took a test 5 days ago which was negative ( I know it was too early but something was telling me to do it!)

Any advice?? Should I wait it out? Sometimes wish my brain could switch off 🤯🤯