I have the best baby

ariel • Gabriel K. 11/16/19👣♥️ Michael k. 2/04/19 ♥️💍

I have the best son so far I'm not trying to jinx it or anything but he loves to move all day and when it comes around 11pm he will start to settle down and in my eyes fall asleep my mom is so in love with feeling him move and my fiance that never wanted to feel him move felt him move and he got so scared of what he felt but he still sucked it up and felt him I'm very proud of him for feeling him move but I'm just so in love with the movements it's like he's really there and he loves a pretty funny song it's called pussy pussy marijuana and he will move up a storm to it and it's the funniest thing ever

Update: not even a few minutes ago since I posted it and he is up now moving 7:21am