After the baby gets here.


Just need to vent. Sorry for the long post. So many emotions going on. Though this pretty wasn’t planned we are very excited to meet our little guy. I took me awhile to come around to the idea of another baby but I’m there now and I’m board. I’m a cosmetologist, I do hair nails and eye lashes so I get a good balance of standing and sitting thru the day, it seems as if I’m the only person to ever of had a baby and be a cosmetologist as my clients are freaking out about what they’re supposed to do after I have the baby. I’ve come to the conclusion I have no choice but to work here and there after he gets here. My husband and I looked at finances last night and it hit me I really have no choice but to work after he gets here with the most a week off once he arrives. I’m already working up to when he arrives. I struggled with ppd with my first I asked for help and none was given I was told that’s part of being a new mom. She’s two and half now and I still struggle at times. I’m afraid of going thru ppd with this little one full blown all over again or not getting the full bond with him. 😭😔 my dh feels horrible I’m stressing about money now and for after our little man gets here he tries to take the brunt of it all but I can’t help but worry about how we’re supposed to make it. 😥😰