Bedrest and activities as tolerated

I’m 32.6 weeks, I’m on medication to keep contractions far apart. I’m allowed to get up if I can tolerate it, FYI mostly no. Why because then I cramp and that turns into consistent contractions. I’ve had bleeding that my obgyn thinks it’s the placenta had a slight tear, due to irritation of my uterus from contractions.

She told me after a diet exam that my cervix is closed and was happy with that. However when I first start having issues she said the same thing, but when she hooked me up to a machine she oh my! We are having some big contractions aren’t we?

She told me to go home rest and relax I tried it didn’t get better had to call and she sent me to L&D.

My complaint isn’t my doctor although I have some obvious questions. Mine is my husband.

When I was in L&B he was guess what? Sleeping on the other bed in the room. When I begged him to hold my hand he yelled at me and said he wasn’t a robot and needed rest. I thought well what am I? I’m tired exhausted drained not to mention in pain stressed and concerned our baby will be born early.

Anyways I got to go home after getting a couple shots of anti contraction medication and sent home only to have to go back for bleeding even after put on medication at home.

It’s been since Sunday since I’ve been in the L&B. I’m only allowed to move around if there’s no pain otherwise I have to be down. My husband refuses to do house chores the house is a wreck. He complains about having to do anything for me or wants a big praise for cleaning or grabbing me something to eat from the kitchen.

I’m fed up and irritated, with the fact I have to beg for support and then he goes around to his friends and family of how much he helps out! Like What? Excuse me I believe I had to beg for all that?

Even in the middle of the night if I’m in agony from discomfort and not being able to get comfortable he will push me away and tell me I have to work in 7 hours leave me alone For fu$* sake.

Thankful I have a cat that a heck of allot more supportive then he is and will actually cuddle up to my face nug me and kiss my face though any tears.

My husband has acted snd trested me as if he is on a equal ground when it comes to discomfort. It’s like in the beginning I’m tired from morning sickness or tired and it’s hard to work. He went oh yeah well work isn’t easy for me and I’m pretty tired too I’ve got allot going on. It’s been like a contest instead of getting valuation and support.

In L&D he yelled at me when I asked him to hold me that I was concerned about having our girl early. He said look they aren’t concerned so why should I be?! When the fact is they had to give me three shots to slow contractions down hold my hand while I threw up from the pain.

Sorry for the ramble I just don’t know how to get him to be more supportive or maybe accept that he just doesn’t care about me or our daughter.