Do you post photos of other peoples children?


So, like idk about y'all but:

I recently opened an Instagram account for my artwork, I registered it as a business account. I've had people begin to follow me, some are close friends and family, some acquaintances, and others are people I don't know but, we are in the same trades.

Well.. The other day we went to breakfast with my daughter whom, I don't post photos of, face wise. Ive posted one photo of her from the back running around with her blanket draped over her shoulders looking like she's the next sport fanatic, at a big sporting event about to streak on the field (Fully clothed mind you) and it was just a funny photo to me.

Anywho'sle, so back to the breakfast, we went with my SIL, her son, and my in-laws. She took some photos but, I'm used to people not sharing those photos because I'm not on other, more popular platforms for social media. My SIL, tagged me in a photo of my daughter at breakfast.. and it's not like a bad photo or anything.. but I just don't want random people looking at my child on the internet.. like this is my little tiny human.. I don't post photos of myself or my husband, I dont post photos of other peoples children I see. I just text/email them, it just depends on what I've used to take the photo of their children instead. I especially wouldn't take a photo of another persons child, only, and post on social media. It's just like, not what I'm into. Have a photo of me? Have a photo with me? Cool, send it to me. I'll decide, if I want it to be attached to it or not and ill decide to share it or not.. have a candid photo of my child you think I'd like? Great send it to me or like just ask me.

So it got me thinking:

1. Do you do this? Have you done this?

2. Why? Why do you want to share photos of other peoples children?

3. Do you ask permission first?

4. If you don't ask permission, why not? Is it for the likes? Is it for the attention? Is it for the fact they might say no? Why is it you wouldn't ask?

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