Romantic dreams ! What does it mean ?!!!


Hey so A little back story here

I met this attractive older man about 6 years ago at a coffee shop we both frequented and I became friends with him along with an older couple that became my adoptive parents ( I had moved from another state and don’t have family nearby ) . My kids at this point were small but perceptive , they’d joke that Mr A and I loved each other and would get married . He’s already married , but when I met him I didn’t know he was or his job he was just that sweet attractive guy I saw at the coffee shop ! I ended up getting a job opportunity I couldn’t pass up and he’s the boss ! ( I got in on my own merit btw )

Fast forward a few years , he’s still in my near daily life and while innocent enough the flirtation is very much there . A chemistry I can’t exactly explain and other people have noticed a bit . I think under different circumstances and maybe a few decades removed between us we would be really interested in pursuing something . That’s not the case obviously . I’ve been dreaming about him for the last few months especially . Romantic dreams such as kissing , slow dancing , hand holding , i love you’s!! Very intimate and loving and it’s so frequent it’s unnerving . I haven’t ever dreamt of someone so often , vividly or passionately ever . He just told me the other day that I was getting him in trouble and that he had a dream about ME not knowing about my dreams of him ! I don’t know what to think of this? Has this happened to anyone else ? I would never cross that line but what is my subconscious trying to tell me ?!