
So my fiance doesn't have a phone, we share one. First it was because every time he had one he would break it, and it was getting expensive to have to buy a new phone every 2 months. I generally have the phone we share during the day, when I'm working or driving somewhere. He's at work 7 to 4 every day. I offer to let him take the phone with him some days cuz I don't have anything to hide, but he makes me take it with just in case something happens to me. He's around people that have phones and I have their numbers. It hasn't been a problem until recently, now he's all bitching at me because he doesn't have a phone this and that. I was gonna get him one a while ago, but the day I was going to he was using the phone while I was doing something. He said he wasn't gonna download any social apps or nothing (because we don't use those) and I came out to the car, he had the doors locked and hid the phone. So I asked him what he was doing and he LIED to my face and said he was texting his brother. I looked at the phone and he was on snapchat. And then proceeded to feed me a lie about what he was doing on there. So now it's all hissy fits because he don't have one. I told him I don't give a fuck, buy one then. I was talking to my friend today and she said she "has a feeling that he's going to cheat on me." I need opinions please? Stay nice.