Praying for husband

Hi everyone. So even though I’m 21 I’ve been praying and asking God for specifics when it comes to my husband. A couple of months ago I met a guy who basically ticked all the boxes I’ve been praying for. I thought that was God answering my prayer. I prayed and fasted about it. Like I asked God to confirm it and it seemed like he did. The guy got engaged this week. To be honest I was angry at first cause I felt stupid and didn’t know how to talk to God about it. It felt like I probably hadn’t heard God at all. Like it was probably all in my head. I feel like I’m praying without getting anything. Like God dangled him in front of me then later said “oops” sorta thing. I’ve somewhat become conflicted on weather or not I should continue praying about all the specifics I want in a husband. I’m one of those girls that never gets the guy. The one no one ever asks out or is interested in. I’m really confused. What would you advise I do.