Mucus in stool?


Hey guys!

My one month old has been super fussy lately .. we have a very small window between sleeping and calm awake before she starts fussing and then eats and either falls back to sleep right away or just cries and cries until she falls asleep. Today and yesterday we noticed she has been super sleepy and has slept most of the day (which isn’t super uncommon for her but normally we have a little bit of time where she is awake and this has only happened in the mornings of yesterday and today and the rest of the day she is only awake to eat and get her diaper changed). We also noticed that today and yesterday her poop has had mucus in it and is fluctuating between a green and almost brown colour. Her poop used to be consistently yellow and runny. She doesn’t have a fever or anything.

Baby is exclusively breastfed and I have cut out milk from my diet already about 2 weeks ago now (as she had a very gassy period so doctor recommended I try that).

I called the doctor and left a message just to be safe and ask about her symptoms but wondering if anyone experienced something similar and has some advice? First time mom over here and I am always questioning everything!