Little background on us. Me and my fiancé are living with my parents rn we plan to build a house soon we have 2 children. We’ve been together 9 years. This is something that has affected our relationship a long time he’s a compulsive liar !! Let me tell you the things he’s done ! Couple years ago he didn’t come home shut off his phone we had no idea where he was came back home the next morning even his parents and my parents went out to look for him smh that was multiple times also one time I got off work at 12 and he was gonna pick me up well he never came I stayed until 1am waiting then I called my dad. He didn’t come home till the morning and with no explanation. He’s told me now he went out drinking with his friends 😐anyways he’s always been a liar and refuses to say the truth I had my last straw this past week. He said he worked 6-midnight and guess where I saw him on a friends instastory ? With them hanging out while he’s supposed to be at work he even missed his sons first soccer practice to be there. So I screenshot a pic and he denied and denied. That wasn’t him he said ?? IT WAS HIM . 3 days later he admits it !!! Now I’m so used to this I didn’t even go off on him but I can’t stand it. I told him we’re not together anymore but here’s my dilemma I wanna give him a chance for the sake of our kids. I don’t know if he should move out to his parents or stay here while he takes therapy. He made himself a appointment to work on himself. We are still gonna be separated regardless if he stays or leaves. I told him the only way we can be together again is he works on himself and slowly becomes honest. What do u think ?? What’s your advice. Forgot to mention I’ve been a sahm so I don’t have any financial stability on my own.