It’s ok.

Jennifer • Married 10/4/14 SAHM with 2 girls❤️

It’s ok if your LO doesn’t crawl. Some babies start crawling between 6-10 months and some babies skip crawling altogether. The bigger the baby the harder it is. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong so don’t worry.

It’s ok if your LO doesn’t have any teeth. Some babies get teeth as early as 4 months and some babies doesn’t get teeth until they are almost 1! Your baby will get their teeth at some point so try not to stress.

It’s ok if LO doesn’t like food. They will learn to like it after a while. Sometimes eating just takes practice and patients for baby to get use to. It’s a lot different from milk they have always had. It will happen so keep at it.

It’s ok if LO doesn’t talk yet. Some babies start saying mama and dada really early and some don’t until they are 1 or older. Just keep practicing and teaching them and they will eventually get it.

I can go in and on here. My point is to try not to compare every aspect of our LOs to others. Let’s try not to stress and the worry so much and enjoy the time we have with our baby while they are still little because it goes by so fast. In the end it doesn’t matter when they started to crawl or how many teeth they had at seven months all that matters is the time we spent with them.

If You have heard it once you have heard it a million times, every child is different and every child develops at their own rate.

From what I can tell about all you moms in this group is that you ladies are amazing! You worry and stress because you care so much. You guys are so supportive of each other it’s pretty awesome to see. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone mom shame or put anyone else down. That’s something to be proud of.