No One Ever Talks About The In-Laws


So I got engaged about 3 months ago and wedding is in November 2019! We're a young couple and really getting married is a mandatory for his Christian family in order for us to move in together and be recognized as a couple. Which is fine we'd been talking about getting married after our first year. (We've been together for 4.)

My family has its issues so I try and always take everything with a grain of salt, but my mom keeps pointing out little things about my to be mother-in-law that bother me.

For example, It took years for me to be invited or considered to be apart of anything. I even house sat for the family for 6 days straight while they went off camping with family after 2years of dating their son. I always brushed it off and so did my fiancé until fairly recently. My MIL and fiancé have a strange relationship to begin with and there are moments where she berates him and basically says horrible jokes about him to friends and family to his face. Even to my parents who have a problem with it.

Recently I attended fiancé lil bro's graduation and lil bro and I are good friends. Pictures were taken day of and I was in several of them including family ones, but when MIL posted them to facebook I wasn't in any of them, in fact according to her post I was never there. And that really upset my mom and aunt.

That wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for her attitude towards the wedding as a whole. Her outlook on it is so bizzare. In fact, we initially wanted to get married in August but she had us move it back because family couldn't make it in time and her health is poor. (She has issues with hyperthyroid.) And now with the wedding date set, she is frantically trying to find a way to help but is reluctant to help pay for things. Refuses to listen to me when I redirect her to my mother or tell her no outright about certain things. She has even sat me down and help her pick out what to where for 3hrs straight. Then, when we find one we like and works, she texts me two days later telling me that because her girlfriends don't like it, she's getting a dress that I absolutely hate. She kept telling me, "Uhg I wish you would just pick out something for me to wear."

Has anyone else has experiences like this? I know I'm not crazy, I'm no bridezilla, I just want things to be nice and relaxing for everyone including myself.

Any other in-law stories???