My husband is disappointing me and I’m thinking of divorce

My husband decided to leave his 6 figure job in February to be at home as he said because that job was away and he was only home for 10 days a month. Now we works a job making less which is fine since I have a good career and make decent money. Well, fast forward, my husband has not been contributing financially to the home since March and all the household bills have been on me. Yesterday my oldest son calls to tell me that some guy just took my husband’s truck. It got repossessed. He never mentioned he was behind. I tell him over the phone while he’s at work and he acts surprise and says he’s 1 month behind and I wasn’t buying it. I wait until he gets home to finish the conversation and he tells me he hasn’t paid it since March so he lied over the phone. I don’t feel like I can trust or depend on him. The fact that he didn’t think it was important to share that he was behind is more insulting than anything and now I don’t feel like I can trust him with our family. I don’t feel secure. We’ve been married 1 year and have a 1 year old together. However, he’s not providing for his family and not the man I thought I knew.

All the older people I have talked through is saying just ride it out but I’m not happy. They’re saying the younger generation throw in the towel too quickly and I say we just tolerate less crap.

I want my kids to see me happy.

Any advice is appreciated.