Loss of MIL and husband not thinking

Hi all

My MIL passed away on Thursday. Trying to support my husband, father in law and two children (4 and 2). It’s been a long week in hospital, I spent everyday with her. On Wednesday my son came down with chicken pox

My husband has arranged a bbq at his dads on Sunday for him, FIL BIL & SIL and their two children, possibly everyone except me and my two children we need to wait on bil and sil to decide if they want their children around chicken pox.

I’m trying hard to keep it together as it is, my son keeps asking questions about grandma and he has chicken pox pretty badly. I have been with my husband for 11.5 years so i have known her a long time! My husband has been at his dads sorting MILs things out so hasn’t seen me or the children which is understandable.

First im a little upset that my daughter has been excluded when she doesn’t even have chicken pox

Secondly surely this family bbq could have waited until next week.

What would you say or do?