Lonely in marriage


I feel very lonely in my marriage. We used to be so close and communication was great. He was loving caring and just great. We have an 8 month old and I am pregnant with my second. I understand marriages are hard. But he’s just not involved as he used to and I feel like a single parent. He doesn’t ask how I feel, how I’m doing, I’m constantly taking care of him. He works mon-sat and when he gets home he’s either sleeping, watching tv, on his phone or goes to the gym. I’ve talked to him and he just says sorry this is just for now. I look forward to weekends because I just miss him but he is not really “here” it really bothers me that he constantly calls his parents and invites them over. I feel like the second option and like he rather be with them like he has more fun than with me. I’m exhausted, and I’m done trying. I feel distant to him and the worse part is he doesn’t seem to notice. What should I do?