I feel like my relationships over😭


I just dont know what to do anymore!

We have a 4 month old little girl and I've been suffering badly with postnatal depression, the doctors also think I have PTSD from the birth so I haven't quite been my self!

But everything has been fine in the relationship! Up until about a week ago😭

He doesn't show me any attention any more hes constantly on his phone! Today is the day when I clean my house and all I've had off him all day is what's a matter with you! Your always in a mood! Literally no matter what I do 'I'm in a mood' we are arguing constantly and I just dont know what to do anymore!

He said he would always help me with everything but recently it's me who does the tidying, me who cooks the tea, me who has our little girl day and night! I wouldn't mind if he was working but hes been out of work for 2 weeks now and has turned so lazy!

I just feel like giving up! I cant cope with it anymore😭