Haakaa vs. breast shells?!

Arielle • Mom to an angel, Quinn Jordan 💗 (11.29.14) and Bennett Ace 💙 (8.2.19)


I’m looking for something like the Haakaa, something with the same purpose, but It seems kinda like a hassle. I’ve found other options like something I can place in my bra instead of something I have to hold or worry about him kicking while feeding etc. I’ve found a few options but I wanted to know if any of you have used anything other than the Haakaa. I know people have raved about the Haakaa but I feel like it looks like a hassle in comparison to something that I could place in my bra instead, typically called “breast shells.”

I breastfed my daughter for 2yrs and never used anything like this and did just fine but this time, I’ll be back to work after 8-10wks whereas she was able to come to work with me (preschool teacher in her daycare), so I was able to breastfeed her up until she was 5mos when I changed jobs and then started to pump more. I’m gonna be pumping right away this time as well as nursing but I know we’ll be going through pumped milk a lot more so I don’t want to waste anything if at all possible!

Thoughts? Recommendations?

Experiences? Thoughts?