I hope someone can relate! (Contractions)

Kylie • Crunchy momma 🍃 On my 4th pregnancy🤰🏻 One living rainbow child 🌈 MTHFR homozygous fighter 🙌🏼

So first off, I think it’s important for you to know this before answering....

At 26 weeks pregnant, 2 1/2 years ago, I went into preterm labor.

I was having what I thought were regular BH contractions. To my surprise, my cervix was almost fully effaced and I was at a 2.

I was living in the hospital for WEEKS. I was put on magnesium and terbutaline shots became a daily routine for me at the hospital.

They said I had an irritable uterus and an incompetent cervix.

I’m now 22 weeks pregnant with my second...And I am no doubt having Braxton Hicks contractions.

When my bladder is full and when I’m dehydrated, I notice them more often. Today, I’ve had like 7-10 an hour. (No time patterns, not every hour)

I understand that it’s normal and especially normal for a second time pregnancy and even more especially for someone with an irritable uterus....my question is this:

For those who have previous preterm labor, did early and frequent Braxton Hicks strike a cause for concern second time around? Did you notice early dilation or effacement or even early labor?

I’m trying to get to the bottom of this because my healthcare providers both say it’s normal unless there’s cramping. But with my history, I’m curious if I need to be more on the safe side and time them or prepare for another possible preterm labor. Last time, I had no idea something was wrong.

I’m aware that chances are, I won’t make it to full term....anyone agree?