Pinching 4 weeks pregnant


I did 1 round of 50 mg clomid and got pregnant. Reproductive endocrinologist confirmed it with bloodwork last friday.

Thing is I started feeling like a pinching in my ovaries yesterday and today.. is that normal?

I believe I am 4 weeks 5 days.. they didnt say. They just said come back on mon weds and Friday for progesterone and beta bloodwork.

This is my first pregnancy. I am high risk because of age and medical health ( high blood pressure, kidney transplant, asthma).

My regular OB/GYN just kind of shoved things off and said last year that, if I am to get pregnant I would see a high risk obgyn instead. So i dont know if there is even a point in calling him.

I did however schedule a high risk OB appointment on my own for August 7th.

I just feel so lost.

I am wondering if it's pcos related.