Fiancé left and 15 weeks pregnant

Courtney • Mommy of five👧🏼👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏽👶🏽 Wifey to the best 💍🥰 Healthcare for life 👩🏼‍⚕️🚑 Arizonan 🏜🌞 YouTube and IG @oncloudscott please subscribe to real life!

I’m having a hard time dealing with what just happened yesterday. My fiance left when I took the kids to the water park. Told me he couldn’t do it any more because in the last two months I haven’t gotten mental help for myself that I’ve needed. He’s right I kinda shut down and haven’t been myself but I’m a stay at home mom living in a home we just got into and he just left. Everything is due and I’m just really hurt and blindsided. I feel awful I keep beating myself up about it too. I’m also worried about the baby. I can’t eat or drink and Ive not stopped crying. My family isn’t the best of support so I’m on my own here. If I go to my dr is there something I can take to help me ? I’ve never taken depression meds before... never even been diagnosed but I’m really not myself and I’m worried I’ll do something I don’t want to. Idk if I’m asking for advice or anyone else been through this but I just don’t know any more.