I don't understand

Audie • Baby dust to everyone

Me and my husband had a falling out about a week ago and we are trying to work thinks out he has been working and now his hours has been dropped down to only working 4 days a week I tell him I am going to get a job and he says no that he wants me home everyday and raising our kid we are very tight on money and I am working odd jobs he doesn't know about just to help pay the bills. He says I boss him around but I don't I tell him I just cleaned the house and vaccumed the house take off your shoes at the door please. He gets pissie and throws a fit by calling me names and littlerly running/driving away like idk what to do. This time our fight was over him saying that if my son wakes up in the night he isn't going to help me at all that it is all up to me. Mind you my son hasn't let me sleep more that 4 hours in the past 2 days becuase he has growing pains. I don't understand why I have to take care of my son day in and day out when there are 2 parents like I feel like a signal mother. Yes he provides the roof over our head but we are on ebt because we can't afford or pay for our own food. I don't understand what to do. I am so frustrated that I feel like i just want to pull my hair out and cry.