If it not one thing it’s another


So a few months back there was this huge issue at my work with 2 women heating up

Fish in the microwave and the smell literally making me vomit. They did it so often that the microwave (I’ve cleaned it multiple times) STILL smells like fish and makes your food taste like day old salmon.

Now, for the past few days one of the women has brought food that is so heavily spiced with garlic my eyes are honestly blood shot and watering.

Last time I asked her to stop with the fish she reported me to HR for bullying and HR sided with her. So now I’m feel like I can’t say anything about the garlic despite the fact it is physically effecting me.

I can’t use the microwave because it makes my food smell and taste like old salmon and now I can’t use the fridge because everything reeks of garlic.

Ugh! I just can’t wait to quit!

End rant