Toddler help!


My son is 3 years old now and has been sleeping in bed with me since he was about 3 months old.. now I am pregnant again with my 3rd I need my son to be in a big boy bed in his own room, not sure how to start this which will make the process easier for him to deal with as he is very much glued to my hip at all times of the day (he’s like an overgrown baby😂)

also he is a very fussy eater and doesn’t eat much he has a lot of bottles through out the day to substitute this (I have tried not giving him bottles as the dietician has said and he then refuses to eat at all)

I was wondering if anyone has got any tips or useful information that could help me with these two dilemmas 🤦🏻‍♀️ or if anyone has been through this with their child

Thank you in advance for any help given 💕