My dog is a biter

I grew up with big dogs, they were always so easy to train and so well behaved. But the one time we ended up with a big dog who bit he was put down right away, it just made sense not to have a dog who bit unprovoked.

Now I have a daschund and he's been the most challenging dog of my life. I try and try to train him but nothing sticks, he barely even knows how to sit and he's 3. I used to help my friends train their difficult dogs yet here I am unable to control my own dog.

He has bitten my husbands aunt twice, I excused it because she has a horrible energy and he thought he was protecting my son (the aunt was shrieking and running at my 1 year old).

He has bitten two delivery people, just a quick nip and he'd run away. I excused it because I didn't see it happen.

He bit my creepy neighbour who entered our yard without permission and didn't announce himself, I excused it because he was defending his home.

Now he bit my 2 year old. My son was eating and the dog tried to take his food, my son pushed him away so the dog bit him. He didn't draw blood but he did leave a mark.

Im absolutely heart broken. I've been working so hard with this stupid dog. I have spent hours getting my neighbours and friends to knock on our door so I can work on how he greets people. I have spent hours training him to go lay down on command but it still only works 50% of the time. I have spent hours teaching my son how to safely give him a treat and I've taken the dogs treats away many times to reinforce that humans are in control of the food.

I feel like i failed him. But I babysit a lot and what if is was someone else's kid he bit. I know I can't keep him but I'm so heart broken, I really feel like a bad person giving up on him... But I have literally spent hours and hours training him and working on his behavior.