Need get it off my chest!! Rant! Long story


So my wedding is a month away(august) and now suddenly all these problems have been coming up seems I’m the bad guy

BACKSTORY: my little sister(GG) recently got married to her wife and I was there for her did her hair, carried her bags etc. Then they came to visit me and my SIL drove my fiancé’s car but she was driving pretty fast and I had been in an accident so I was scared I told my fiancée and older sister(M&M) she was driving fast Nd I was scared and my other sister( F) was with me when my SIL was driving and she(F) made comments about my SIL driving worse than my fiancé and how it wasn’t her car to be driving like that.

Now back to rant: I have seen my sister (GG) had been avoiding me for a about a month now and fiancée texts her asking her what’s up and sister(GG) tells him how she heard I said a lot of stuff about SIL (what other sister(F) said ) and she doesn’t want to talk to me and doesn’t know if she’s coming to the wedding fiance said thats okay take time if needed to calm down, he also asked if my SIL cousin was still going to be dj for our wedding or if he needs to look somewhere else, she said dj still for sure,

Next thing I know my cousin(c) messaged me saying dj gf (also my cousin/Jess) posted that they are going on a getaway from august 9-13 and fiancé called my sister(GG) and she said naw that cousin(Jess) put that cause she hasn’t gotten invite to wedding but my sister(F) told me she heard sister(GG) and my cousin (Jess) talking about how I said stuff and making nasty comments and then this happens

So then my fiancé tells my sister(GG) nvm on the dj we going to get another one and cousin(Jess) tells cousin(c) that she did it cause it’s rude how I haven’t invited her and her man is going to be dj ( mind you I haven’t invited anyone yet ) we let them know we haven’t sent out invites,

so today my sister(GG) messages my fiance how they had to pay dj cuz he found out sister(GG) and cousin(Jess) we’re playing with us on the getaway and the dj got mad saying not to play with his business.

fiancé told her(GG) it’s okay we already got another dj that he didn’t like games being played like that she got upset and said he was acting petty and other stuff (mind you my fiancé is not petty he’s straightforward he don’t care who u are he will tell u straight out )

I have been upset but I sent out invite only to have cousin(Jess) pretend she didn’t know when the wedding was and if we still need a dj, I am being the bigger person and inviting them but I am truly upset that they are doing all this stuff plus sister (GG) has been asking sister(F) about how my rings look if she has pictures of the rings how is my wedding dress and my bridesmaid dresses .

Sorry I know it’s a lot and I’m sorry if it gets confusing. I honestly just needed it off my chest I have two beautiful children 5years and 10months and I don’t want them to see me break down , I feel like maybe it’s really all my fault

No rude comments please