Is this out of line?


Okay so. Based on something that just happened to me today. My son is staying a couple nights with my dad and step mom. Hes 3.

She hits me up and out right says:

"You need to have Dom evaluated for autism. He has Sooooo many symptoms"

And immediately i was like

Im generally not very close to her and she has little tact in the first place but i humored her and asked what she meant. She said oh well hes smart and gets super focused when hes doing something.

And im just. Is this something that makes sense to bring up to someone if you arent infact a doctor or specialist? Lol am i overreacting because i dont like her that much? (Which is totally possible) But wheres the line? Is there one? Could this be brought up better? Would you bring up to someone you are or arent close to that you think their child is on the spectrum, or even any other kind of situation like sensory processing disorder?