Am I wrong??


Okay, so ever since I've moved out on my own a few years ago I've always wanted to throw holiday parties at my place. I was never able to because my mom wouldn't allow it. She wanted to have all holidays at her house and that was it. Well now that I'm an adult with a family of my own, I put my foot down and decided I was throwing a Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> party this year. Every year for as long as I cab remember, we've celebrated Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> at my mom's place, spent the night, woke up, gifts..repeat for years after. Needless to say I've grown bored of the holidays already because it's always the same. My brothers kids even learned "Santa" goes to grandma's house. I told my mom I think it's a bit selfish of her. She already had her time while we were growing up to make moments and now she wants them with our kids too. I want to make my own memories and my own traditions now that I'm a mom. My family is giving me a hard time saying I'm "ruining a tradition". I'm not waiting until my sons are too old to start making our own memories. So am I wrong? or am I right for standing my ground?