Gender reveal help

MommaB • 💙January,13th 2020💙💚February, 4th 2021💚

So I've wanted to do a gender reveal party more than anything!! More than a baby shower, more than getting presents, more than buying baby stuff (which is a hard 2nd😂😜), serious like more than anything in this pregnancy I've wanted to have a gender reveal.

Long story short: Me and my husband ttc months ago for 4-5 months. We actually had one but lost it very early. Like first faint line, find out we are pregnant and then loose it the same week. Sad,but not devastating. Losing it now would be devastating. My husband got a job offer out of state, and we excepted. We had 2 1/2 months to move and put notice in at our current jobs. We stopped trying of course, decided we would wait a while to move, get settled in and make sure we were staying.. well one week after moving and getting into our new home, we found out I was pregnant 🤦‍♀️😂 FUGGIN LIFE!😜 We are totally excited, but now I'm all alone for my first pregnancy and child 😑🙄😂. We are in a 1 year contract with work so theres no going back now. 😂 My husband offered to send me home for a gender reveal party, but he can't take off work and I dont want to do it without him, so to me it's not the same now anyways and not worth it.

Now, that your caught up and kinda understand the situation I have decided I want to buy the gender reveal cards or chocolate. My husband likes the cards( I do too) but I love the chocolate too. I'm just not sure how to step it up a notch. I want it to be a little better than just sending a chocolate bar or a card in the mail. Any ideas? I want it to feel like a celebration when they find out, I dont want it to be so simple.