Preeclampsia... again. Getting induced... again.


I had preeclampsia with my first that set in at 37 weeks. I was induced and it was a LONG process (like 63 hours). Ended well, though. Healthy baby, healthy me. No further complications.

And now... I have it again with my second. It is mild and praise the Lord I haven’t shown any severe symptoms. It did set in earlier, so they’ve been watching me very closely. As of right now, I’ve got protein in my 24 hour urine and high BP readings. I’ve been seeing a perinatal specialist for a few weeks now, in addition to my midwife. I monitor my BP twice a day at home. I also have two appointments a week. One is a non stress test and the other is a bpp ultrasound. Today I got the news that my BP is creeping up so I will for sure be induced at 37 weeks- which is two weeks and one day away!

Has anyone been induced a second time for preeclampsia? Or even just a second time? Please tell me it went better.

Also, if you pray- please pray for my baby and me. That we can make it to 37 weeks and that my condition doesn’t worsen. Thanks!