Losing a friend over not being able to attend her wedding

One of my friends who I’ve known for about 9 years is getting married in September. She got engaged in December of last year. In January, I scheduled a family vacation for my daughters birthday. It’s a non refundable trip, and her wedding is right in the middle of it. She sent out invitations this past week and today I let her know that we unfortunately couldn’t make it, as we had a trip planned that was non refundable & was made before I even knew about her wedding. She sent back the letter “K” and I apologized to her, and told her I’d still love to come to the bridal shower and celebrate. She then told me that I was “uninvited” because I couldn’t attend her wedding, and then told me to delete her number from my phone. It feels horrible to lose a friend I’ve had since high school, all over something that neither one of us could control. I feel horrible that I can’t attend, but I also feel like her reaction was unfair towards me. I’m just not sure what to say to her, if anything at all.