Is he into me?? After sex

I had been talking to this guy for a few weeks and I was really feeling him. We were supposed to go out and do something last week but I had some stuff come up and couldn't make it. So out first "date" or meeting up was last night. We just watched a movie and cuddled. I kinda knew what was gonna happen and I was okay with it. The first half he had his arm around me and I was kinda the one making the moves of arm tickles etc.. But I felt like he was not feeling it. Maybe he was nervous?.. Maybe I was reading into it too much?.. We got along well and had good vibes tho. After the movie we were laying and obvi the end game was sex. After the sex I went home since it was super late. He texted me drive safe and then the next morning a goodmorning text. I felt like things were a little off today with us talking. Maybe he wasn't as interested in me as I thought he was. 🤷🏼🤷🏼 I want to be honest with him and text him tomorrow and say "you know just because we had sex doesn't mean we need to continue to talk if you aren't feeling it" is there a better way to word it to come to conclusion if he's into me 😅😅