Finding a Therapist/Counselor

I experienced sexual abuse for almost a year when I was younger and kept the secret for roughly 18 years. I confessed it to my husband last night. I feel that I have a warped sense of sex. I’m never in the mood to have sex and when we do, it feels dirty or wrong and I rarely feel pleasure from it. 90% of the time, sex is only to please my husband who has been incredibly patient with me without knowing my reasons why. Seriously, he’s been incredible. I’ve never felt pressure by him. It breaks my heart though because I want to connect with him.

Basically, I don’t know where to go from here. My husband suggested a counselor but we live in a small rural town. A quick google search yielded a few counselors with no reviews. How did you find a counselor and know they were a good fit for you? Did insurance cover it?