Breastfeeding and struggling

Is anyone else struggling and breastfeeding? I have always hated myself.. and I mean ALWAYS. never felt good about myself or thought I was thin enough. Struggled a lot with anorexia in high school (about 5-6 years ago) but when I met my now husband things got better. Now I have a baby, 3 months old and I have never hated myself more. I gained so much from the pregnancy, I have stretch marks everywhere and they are still growing, even though I’m not pregnant anymore. All I want to do is starve but I need to produce enough breast milk to feed my baby. I would be lying if I said I didn’t resent her a little because of what she’s done to my body. It doesn’t feel like it can be undone any time soon. I haven’t eaten anything yet today and I do feel a little guilty because I’m worried about my milk supply, but I also feel really good about it too.