How can your own family betray you?

Hi everyone,

Ughh this is mainly a rant. I have no family nearby and no friends around the area I just moved to so can a girl just vent?

To start off, I just lost my mother/ my best friend/ my confident, my heart, my world, this past February 2018.

I’ve been so lost without her :,( I cry just about everyday. It’s truly been the hardest struggle.

Anyways, to continue with my rant, I have 2 sisters, one I am closer to than the other but I still keep communication with both...

Well today I feel completely betrayed by my oldest sister. (Let’s call her sister A)

Back in April sister A had called me telling me she had filed her taxes and she was separating 1000$ from that money from her taxes to pay for my mothers headstone. I thought to myself “wow what a nice gesture! Since she never treated mother well while she was alive and well , Maybe she was compelled to buy her the headstone as her final gift” So anyways we agreed on this and that was it.

Are you all still with me ?

So,, fast forward to today. I find out from my other sister (sister B) that the 1000$ was in fact coming from my mothers own income tax money! 🥺🥺🥺 NOT sisters A tax money! so technically my mom would be paying for her own headstone! Not only that but eventually sister A tells me she has spent the money on a down payment for a home purchase so can only contribute with 300$ !! What the hell?!! What’ is going on here? I’m sooo hurt! If my mom was alive right now I swear y’all she would die from all the sadness of knowing my sister would do such a thing!

Anyways, I’m such a mess. How could she do this to us? To her own mother? Now we don’t count on the money to buy my momma the headstone she deserves. Completely heartbroken y’all!!

The thing is I’m stuck.

I love both my sisters just for the fact that they’re my sisters but I feel like this is the last straw. What should I do now? I feel like just blocking her and deleting her from my world. (Trust me there is so much more to this story, the things she has done in the past, to me and my own mother) I feel like I keep giving her chances but she just keeps letting me down and breaking my heart each time? Would you or have you stopped talking to family members due to the fact they are so toxic?