
Hey guys so this isn’t about me it’s about my best friend. She’s with her boyfriend and they’ve been together for almost 4 months. But his thing is that whenever he has an issue or even a bad day at work he will go get drunk. He’ll start calling my friend and basically he starts reclamando if she home and who she’s with. He’s very controlling and he acts as if she’s going to cheat on him when she has been completely faithful. Now my problem is that whenever he does something wrong he says he loves her so much. That he doesn’t know what he’s so without her and that he has no purpose to live if she ever breaks up with him. He always brings up that before her he was ready to kill him self and that nothing would stop him from doing so if they break up. I don’t know to intervene or not, bu to know for sure this isn’t a healthy relationship at all. But at the same time I want her to understand and not get mad at me for telling her my opinion. What should I do?

Edit: Turns our her boyfriend got in an accident last night and I just can’t shake off with that fact that he was probably drunk driving.