Can’t believe this.

Let me preface this with I am ranting first of all, I don’t want breakdowns and explanations for what’s going on I have people in my life I can go to if I really want them. So please keep them to yourselves as they’ll only upset, I came here to rant cause I got nowhere else to for the time being. I am ranting let me say that again because most people take my rants as an attack on them or my justification for me not being wrong or not wanting to own up to what I did or try to correct me when I clearly don’t want corrections at the time. I. Just. Want. To. Rant. To let it all out somewhere and maybe find some empathy if that’s okay. No I don’t know how all of this works, that is blatantly obvious, but I am NOT asking for someone to teach me. So don’t try to do me a service that you think I need cause like I said I have family and friends who can tell me if I ask. I clarify that cause if I don’t shit hits the fan and I don’t get to say what I want just to get off my chest for a minute.

I am devastated and upset. I already owe for taxes and that’s not a lot. But now I gotta pay someone’s insurance bill because I am at fault though I wasn’t the one who rammed into my rear end and now can not take my car onto the highway. She lost her front bumper that’s it. That’s all her damage was. Our already piece of crap car now is only a Point A to Point B car, no highway trips to go fishing that provides food for our family, that equates to the money we’d be spending if we weren’t fishing. I should of told her insurance company that she insisted, implied and pretty much owned up to me and my family at the site of the accident that SHE was at fault and didn’t want us having our car towed. I wish that there was a reason she couldn’t be driving that day that pops up and blows this disaster all up on her face. I can barely afford going to school for a semester, ONE SEMESTER. This is going to jeopardize me going to school a whole year for the FIRST time ever. But does that matter to that old lady and her insurance company no, not as long as she’s not at fault and doesn’t have to take responsibility. But I guess she wasn’t cause she told everyone she called that SHE got hit. How? Tell me how you got hit when it’s our rear end that’s more fucked up than your car that only lost the front bumper? Please share with the world, mainly me though, how you’re not at fault at all when you weren’t paying any attention till you were in the intersection and STOPPED? I wish I told them that’s exactly what YOU said. I wish I told your insurance company every time we circled back to what happened YOU concluded YOU’RE at fault, for not paying attention at your light and then deciding to go through the intersection STOP and then floor it to save the embarrassment you already have for not paying attention from the start. I wish my little brother got hurt so you’d feel worse for hitting your family friend’s grandchildren and dog. Mostly I wish you told your company you weren’t paying attention throughout the whole accident because you don’t have the money to pay for your own fuck up. And would rather an already struggling student and her already struggling family to pay for what you caused. Because it’s easier to make others pay for what you did than just saying I was at fault and I should of been paying attention.