Is the height of a potential partner important to you?


Saw this today on BBC.

This isn't about the man or how he reacted, but more generally if this is an issue, like is height really that important?

Also added the options as I'm short myself and a short guy is not a problem for me.

But thinking about it, maybe it's because even a short guy is (mostly, unless there's a medical condition involved) taller than me and I haven't actually experienced the issue... 🤔

If you were actually having a really good time with someone on a date, but he was shorter than you, would you then not go for a second date?

Or the other way around, if you were not having that great a time, but he was tall, would you then agree to a second date?

It's it all about just physical attraction and a preference? Like would height really be a deal-breaker?

Or could a shorter guy overcome that by having a nice personally that fits with yours?

Article just raised some thoughts...!

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