Need advice about husband please



Tried talking to my husband last night since I couldn’t sleep and the conversation turned into me being lazy, he’s sick of telling me to do things to help him out, I’m a liability, I’m just something else for him to worry about, I need to grow up, etc... is this not verbal abuse??? Like I feel like the biggest piece of shit and such a burden to him! As if I don’t work full time, come home and clean, do dishes, laundry, yard work, run errands, cook dinner, pay bills, take care of myself and still have time to relax at the end of the night. I’ll be damned if I don’t work my ass off for the both of us! I told him all of this and he says what I do is minuscule. I said he doesn’t appreciate anything I do and I’m sick of him talking down to me. He still hasn’t apologized because he thinks he is doing nothing wrong! I have been sobbing and crying since last night. WHAT THE F!! I seriously don’t deserve this.

I’m so sick of him acting like gods gift to earth and that he does so much more than me and that everything he does is so much more important..... my heart is so broken.

My husband used to be sweet, supportive, loving, responsible, always taking care of business, always showed me how much he loved me and all that changed when I got pregnant. We have been trying for this baby for almost 2 years!!! We lost our first one at 7 weeks due to a miscarriage in December and my husband was very sweet and supportive. We got pregnant again in April and ever since then, his drinking has been out of control, he pays no attention to me, doesn’t make sure I’m ok or even ask how I’m feeling. I’ve him so many times to stop or slow the drinking down and he has no respect. If anything, it’s gotten worse. He drinks whisky straight which is something he NEVER used to do! Never even drank during the week! Now 3 out of 5 nights a week I come home to a drinking husband. That’s just during the week! You should see him on the weekends! We have a Lakehouse and with it being summer go every weekend and he starts drinking at noon and will continue until 3am. Hes been working outside on projects until 1030 at night then will come inside, shower and go to bed without saying a word to me. Im done having conversations with him and showing him how upset I’ve been getting that he’s drinking like this. I feel like I don’t even know who he is anymore. Im not getting the treatment I’ve wanted for me and our baby. He seems to not even care that I’m pregnant, giving everything up so that I can carry OUR child. I’m to the point where want to leave. My heart is so broken. I don’t know what happened to my husband. Please help. Is anyone else’s husband like this? Has anyone else experienced a negative change in their parter when they got pregnant with a baby they’ve been wanting?! I don’t know what to do. I can’t sleep, I’m so upset and he’s not even showing concern to come talk to me about any of it. He knows how upset I am. I haven’t spoke to him in 24 hours. I feel so alone and I’m disappointed because I thought things would be completely different.

*Almost forgot to mention. Alcohol killed my husbands 52 year old father when he was 23.......