Need opinions


I work for a company doing accounting, this is a new start up company so I was given the job without experience (only had bank experience which is nothing like accounting). This jobs has been very overwhelming since day one. I have told my management that I need help multiple times (which I have yet to get) as we take care of 40+ HOA’s and I do the accounting for all of these HOA’s. Each HOA has 3 to 4 bank accounts that need to be reconciled and financials produced every month. Every HOA has there own set of expenses and income that I have to process. It is an extreme amount of work and data entry and I am constantly working hours after I should be just so I do not get more behind. I recently found out that I am pregnant after 5 years of trying and my am worried that this job being so stressful will be harmful to my baby. I make $20/hr and get close to 25 hours of overtime on each pay check. This is the most money I’ve ever made but also the hardest job I have ever had and the most I have ever worked. I am having a hard time Deciding if I should just stick it out or if I should leave. My husband says he wants me to find a new job that is not as stressful just to be safe, however any other job I take will come with a huge pay cut and with baby on the way we need as much money as we can get. This job does not offer any paid maternity leave and they want me to come back to work almost immediately after having the baby :( I wish I never left the bank as they give you 4 months paid leave for maternity leave. Even if I get a new job I will not be at this new job for long enough to get any type of paid maternity leave. What would you do if you were in my shoes?