Am I wrong for wanting this?

Okay ladies I need your help..

My boyfriend and have have been together for 3 years and we have a 20 month old. My BF has worked two jobs for almost a year and about 5 months ago he got a promotion for one and makes more money with that one job now than he did with the two. He works one of the jobs once a week for 5 hours and works 6 days a week at the other. I work part time and go to school full time. I am the sole care taker of our daughter but he buys her what she NEEDS most of the time. I buy her the things he doesn’t feel are necessary.. (just a side note, he’s pretty well off so it’s not like it’s a struggle for him to buy her anything)

Anyways so we don’t live together and he doesn’t like to text so the only communication we have is when he calls me on his way home from work. I now have the one day off that he only works 5 hours on. I told him he should put his two weeks in. He refuses and tells me “he needs it” which is NOT true. He even told me the other day that he only works that day for the “social” aspect of it. He barely ever sees our daughter. He makes 100 bucks at that job for the two weeks. I’m sorry but I’d rather have family time than an extra 50 bucks a week but what do I know.

So I’m telling him this and he says that I brought it upon myself. He says that I got a job and it’s my fault but I have to work to be able to get my loans for school. He says it’s 5 hours and that I need to chill. I told him that yeah it’s 5 hours but we could have the night before to do things as well, but he doesn’t care.

** I also want to throw in that im very grateful that he’s such a hard worker but he never makes time for me or our family.

Am I in the wrong for wanting this?

Here are some of our texts: