Fwb Fail Before it Starts

Im 19 and was attempting a fwb with a guy who is 26. I had my first time at 18 with my ex but we only did it twice before we ended it. I waited months, this guy and I talked since November about possibliy getting together. I was up front and said I was unsure bc "body count" scared me and I still wasn't 100% over my ex. While talking I made it clear that if I did something with him or anyone I need at least a 3 month fwb and he was cool with that and said he wabted something long as well. Come the end of May we finally do it and it was fine not long bc it had been a few years for him. We're scheduling one for this week and now he seems indifferent. I didn't want to pressure him bc he stopped when he felt like he pressured me. Turns out he's been so unsure bc " I'm at the age where I can meet my wife and I dont want to explain this" is what he pretty much said. I'm trying to be calm bc it's not like I'm his first and understand why and where he's coming from. He says he doesn't feel comfortable explaining it to me??? Like what dude...I make it a goal to talk and become somewhat friends before I do anything sexual and now he cant explain like bruh we already had sex. I'm annoyed and I feel like he disrespected me and my body. Idk what to do and I'm regretting ever having sex even though it's only been 3 times including my first

Tips on what I should do and how to handle it and future possible encounters
