11 week appointment


hi ladies,

I don't really know where to post this. this is my 3rd pregnancy I have had 2 previous miscarriages 1 mmc in March 2018 @ 11 weeks and 1 blighted ovum in October 2018 @ 10 weeks.

I had my 1st appointment for this pregnancy about 2 weeks ago. I was measuring 9+2 weeks baby looked good had a HB of 180bpm doctor was happy.

I am just so nervous for tomorrow's appointment. this baby is so wanted and already so loved. this is as far as we have come in my pregnancy never made it past this appointment.

really hoping we have a different outcome tomorrow morning. if you reading this I ask for your prayers to give me the strength and for our little miracle to be growing and developing as it should be.

thanks sending all you lovely ladies lots of baby dust.