Pregnant with #5


I’m 32 going on 33 in August and let me tell u every pregnancy is different. My husband knew I was pregnant before I did. We needed some space cuz I was just every where. Emotional. Angry. Crying the next. I didn’t know what was going on. Everything got under my skin. He goes baby yr pregnant. You acted like this too with our son Avery. So me and the boys went to dollar tree for toilet paper fabuloso and 2 pregnancy tests. Get home peed on a stick and there it was positive. I cried. I didn’t know if I was happy or not. Now I’m in bed and I know I’m happy. I’m just in shock. We had sex the day before I ovulated the day I ovulated and the day after. Now I’m stuck with a bad headache and the fact that I’m pregnant. Anyone else feel conflicted yet happy too?