Due March 5th

Megan • TCC for 2nd baby with pcos

Wow, this week the pregnancy has hit me like a brick wall. The morning sickness started, I’m more tired than I have been in my whole life, feel like I’m going to faint, completely lost my appetite! The only thing I can stand at the moment is pasta. I’m 6 weeks 4 days and on Thursday evening, I felt really poorly and I had pains in my left side, so we took a trip to a&e. Checks on me stated I was well and everything looked good. I was however sent to an early pregnancy unit the next day to check baby was all ok.

Now, here in the UK, we do not get a scan until 12 weeks, unless of complications. So I didn’t expect to see this little bean so early on. We were told everything looked perfect, and that we were measuring at 6weeks 1 day(this was Friday). So we are two days earlier than we thought. I’m so grateful for the NHS and them taking me seriously when I felt so awful and also taking into consideration that my mother passed away after childbirth. This is the reassurance we needed. Look how little it is! The white bit is the baby and the circular bit next to it is the yolk sac. Our little bean 😍🥰

(Also, does anyone know how to read these things and know what the text on the right means??)