Should the mother be charged?

✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Peace✌🏼love ❤️and 3 flowers 💐grease(AKA ChiChi The Clown)

So I’ve been on a Yt binge. And I stumbled across a commentary channel on Danielle Cohn.

Well there’s a few things I’m a little concerned/disturbed by.

1. The mother helps the girl lie about her age. This has been up in the air for quite some time but recently it’s said DCs biofather released a copy of her birth certificate.

2. Dc has a bf that’s 17 or 18 I’m not exactly sure I think the kid just turned 18 or is turning 18 soon. Again the lying about her age, and intimacy of that relationship was always ‘questionable’

3. The most recent drama is the bf ran away from home, and DCs mom rented a hotel room for him to help him hide out. There was a live stream he was doing where he’s telling people how his parents are always trying to break them up. In the middle of the live he abruptly stops and says “I gotta go”. It’s said that he was sent the copy of her birth certificate and realized she’s way younger than he expected or was lead to believe. He went back home to his parents where they then banned him from being with her. DC then went on a live saying how the boys parents are at fault for their break up.

Now I’m not entirely sure about the whole story. But if this is true this is some deep shit. If DCs bf is still only 17 should DCs mom be charged for keeping him in the hotel? (Mind you when his parents were looking for him DCs mother covered for him)

I’m sure there’s a plethora of other crimes this woman has assisted or supported but I want to discuss this one.

If the bf were to face any charges for being with DC would it be justified?

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