Do you think this anatomically correct doll should be labeled


So a kid I watch was on YouTube watching toy unboxing. They were watching an unboxing of the new LOL boy dolls. I glanced over at the video because that's new news to me. Let's just say I was surprised to see that the dolls are anatomically correct 😯 I'm not saying I don't agree with it, however I didn't expect it (I have a son and only nephews, so there are not many baby dolls around us). I Googled them after I saw the video to make sure what I saw was in fact what I saw (It was). The biggest debate on the subject on several articles was that it robs the parents choice of when to have to conversation on differences in bodies. Some moms (like mine) have the conversation at a young age and other parents prefer to have that conversation when the child is a little older. The dolls were taking people by surprise because they are not labeled. In an article by the today show they're comparing the lol dolls to a baby doll that came out in 2013 that Toys-R-Us sold, yet that baby doll was labeled as anatomically correct giving parents a choice. Most mom's who said it doesn't matter said they had multiple children and that it helped with when to have the talk. More conservative parent and those who have single children are taken aback by the boldness.

Boy above and girl below