I don't even know

I've been with my husband for a really long time. REALLY long, more than 10 years. We love each other, well at least I love him.

We were each other's firsts and onlys and I can't shake the feeling he wants something more.

First of all him and his buddies and always talking about how hot women are. They're always looking at pictures of some or other woman. If it were celebrities I'd be like, I guess I can understand, but these are women that they know.

He's forever bragging about a girl he worked with for like six months ages ago, about how much of a stunner she is and how she's a perfect 10.

He has a lot of porn on his phone. I don't have a problem with porn itself (I watch it occasionally, we've watched it together) but he has albums of downloaded porn pictures AND he's even gone and downloaded an app called Koda which I see is a browser and there are just tabs and tabs and tabs of Pornhub pages and such open there too.

All of this combined is really making me feel incredibly insecure, as well as the fact that I did catch him having very inappropriate conversation with his old receptionist about two years ago (which is why he lets me go through his work phone, but I need to like sneak looks at his private phone).

I don't know, I feel like I'm holding him back from exploring other women which he so clearly wants to do. I did tell him I wanted a divorce after the whole issue with the receptionist and he begged and pleaded and said he'd do anything, but he just can't seem to help himself.

I don't think he's cheated physically, but I really think he's looking for more. Our sex life is good though. Well at least I think so.
