Birth Story - Advice?

Harley • stiles family

Today I was 36w5d. However, my water broke at 620 this morning. My husband (Brandon) has just left for work, maybe been gone 15mins, when I was dozing back to sleep with my daughter & POP - my bed flooded. My head started spinning. All. I could say was oh my god, oh my god. Not only was I only just almost 37w, but he’s complete BREECH. I called my husband to turn around then called my hospital. They of course told me to come in & be there in less than 30 mins. We got there right on the dot. They confirmed it was my water, confirmed he was still breech, then started prepping for my c section. After being wheeled back the anesthesiologist gave me a spinal block &!got my blood pressure stable. My nurse cleaned my belly off and the doctor & Brandon came in. Six minutes (at the very most) Benjamin Scott was born! 825am. They got him cleaned off then allowed a nurse to hold him on my chest until they were done stitching me up - which was maybe ten minutes. When I was taken to recovery, I waited & waited; anticipating getting to see my baby and start nursing, but they never brought him. Finally a nurse came and told me he was on oxygen and had an IV to ensure he was getting the sugar he needed. She also told me when he seemed off oxygen they would bring him to me. Hours passed, I got moved to my own room, then finally at 1230, the pediatrician came in and told me they need to put him on antibiotics and that they still can’t get him off the oxygen. So now, I’m bed ridden til tomorrow from a c section and my newborn son, that I haven’t seen yet, is stuck in the nursery for 48hrs in hopes of weaning him off oxygen & the antibiotics helping that. I’m so upset. I ask that you keep my baby in your thoughts and prayers, if that’s what you do. I want to see him so, so badly. I want to feed him, bond with him 😭 I pray he’s okay. Thank you guys for taking the time to read. Any pre 37w mommas have any advice on how to cope?